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Middle School

The middle years are a pivotal time of change for students. At Vancouver College, our Middle School program is designed to celebrate these changes by providing our boys with a safe space to thrive socially, emotionally, spiritually, and academically. 

Our Middle School program follows the British Columbia curriculum, emphasizing a personal approach to learning that builds the core skills for academic success and fosters personal development. In Middle School, we believe in developing the whole person, mind, body, and spirit. Our Better Man Block, numerous electives, religion, and co-curricular programs create the best environment for students to thrive in their Middle School years. 

Our Middle School vision is creating a positive environment focused on relationships and community. Our intention is to cultivate practices that allow faculty-to-student and peer-to-peer relationships to flourish. As relationships flourish, engagement increases, and this positively influences student learning on a variety of levels as well as awakening within them a consciousness of their dignity as children of God.
Paul Legge, Assistant Principal


Led by our Middle School Assistant Principal, Mr. Paul Legge, the Middle School is committed to caring for each individual, and this begins with believing in our boys' "soul" potential. Our approach is for our boys to have an engaging and supportive relationship with their teachers. In Middle School, the student-teacher relationship is the cornerstone of our community; these connections allow for a meaningful student-learning experience. 


Our Middle School program uses a homeroom system, allowing students to stay together as one primary learning group for most classes (excluding electives and languages). These Homerooms could join one another for additional learning activities or a larger grade level event. The Homeroom system encourages community-building, and allows boys to foster deeper relationships with their peers and teachers. 


Co-curricular activities are essential to our school's culture and our goal of fostering the whole child's development. Engaging in co-curricular activities encourages boys to step outside their comfort zones, develop a stronger bond with their classmates and teachers, and learn more about being better men. Thus, we offer students year-round opportunities to participate in clubs, athletics, and faith-based groups. 

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