Student Experience
Academics are only one part of our Vancouver College experience. We believe in developing the whole person, mind, body, and spirit through learning that extends beyond a classroom.
Our faith and learning community challenges our boys to explore their passions and engage in authentic learning experiences. Whether their interests lie in volunteering for the Door Is Open, joining the Debate Club, auditioning for the school play, or participating in athletics, we offer options that appeal to young men at every age and stage.
Each student's school experience is different. The variety of co-curricular programs and activities promotes a holistic approach to our boys' education and supports each one of them to pursue their own excellence.
To Celebrate the Value and Dignity of Each Person and Nurture the Development of the Whole Person
The co-curricular at Vancouver College have so much to offer and are only growing with each passing year. I can objectively say that the relationships and friends I have made over the years, in and outside the classroom, have forged a brotherhood for life. There is a great opportunity in attending VC. That is, the opportunity to forge your bonds and make your experience truly memorable.
Aidan (VC 2022)
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VC100 Stories
By looking back at these Record Books from the 1920s to 1940s, we can see not only how student record keeping was done historically, but also the student care and attention that has always been a primary focus of Vancouver College
With over 9,000 graduates working in every field imaginable across at least 38 countries, the network of VC alumni continues to grow, and along with it the Vancouver College Alumni Association.
Anyone fortunate enough to have attended a recent Vancouver College Football Game or the Saints Basketball Series will know that the legacy of the Vancouver College Cheer team lives on through students today.
A school uniform clearly identifies its wearer as belonging to a community and part of a tradition that is more than any individual but to which all can contribute.
The Vancouver College Band Program began in the 1923-1924 school year, with only nine students in this inaugural year.
The Financial Assistance Program provides assistance with tuition and all school activity fees for families in need of financial support. This program is named in honour of Blessed Edmund Rice, who dedicated his life to providing education for young people especially those with financial needs.